Young Care

Tradelink is proud to partner with Youngcare, a not-for-profit organisation spearheading powerful and positive change to help young people with high care needs live the lives we all deserve.


young people are seeking a suitable place to call "HOME"

AUSTRALIA is currently short


high care houses

“I’m in my own home. My own home, at last. I volunteer, I exercise, I have control over what I eat. It's a huge difference now that I am having a life, making plans and giving back to people in my community. I am just like an ordinary person again."


Youngcare Home Soon Grant

Thousands of young Australians with high care disabilities are being left behind, living in institutions like aged care because there is nowhere else for them to go.

Every week an average of 42 young people enter aged care; a quarter of these people are parents and more than a third, sadly, suffer from depression. This is no way for any young person to live.

Young Care Right
Young Care Left

Youngcare is tackling this national issue by building High Care Housing, providing vital grants and offering support and advice through their Youngcare Connect support line. Youngcare is creating a future where every young person has the freedom and choice to live the young lives we all deserve.

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Young Care Left

Hayden (20) is many things. A law student, a film student, a music lover, a cricket fan, a passionate AFL follower. He is also paralysed from the chest down, thanks to a recently acquired C5 level spinal injury. He is an incredibly resilient young man.
Read his story here.

Shannon is a 19 year old young woman and recent high school graduate. She lives with spastic quadriplegia, cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Living at home with Mum & Dad, Shannon lives an activity-packed lifestyle despite her physical high-care needs.
Read her full story here.

Young Care Right

For more information about Youngcare visit:

Young Care 1 Young Care 2 Young Care 3

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