Best Ways to Clean Your Toilet

What’s the best way to clean your toilet? Ask someone else to do it. But, we’re guessing you’ve already tried that and found no willing volunteers and that’s why you’re here, reading about toilets. So, if you really have nothing better to do – other than clean the toilet – let’s put some gloves on and get to work.

First, we need to come clean about rimless toilet technology

Rimless toilets have revolutionised modern bathrooms. They first entered the Australian market a few years back and since then they have become the go-to toilet to buy for many good reasons. Can you guess why? Yes - they are easier to clean! Not only easier to clean, but they don’t have to be cleaned as often. They are also generally more hygienic, look sleek and modern, and save on water too.

About rimless toilets

The old rimmed toilet design that we traditionally know (and no longer love) in Australia has that frustrating rim around the top of the toilet bowl where germs hide and toilet brushes rarely reach. It goes without saying that rimless toilets no longer have that. Hooray! The reason they can do away with it is because they have clever flushing technology. Instead of splashing water straight out of the rimmed area, rimless toilets direct a more forceful and precise spray around the toilet bowl.

Which toilet brands have rimless designs?

While they all have different patented flushing technology, like Caroma’s Cleanflush® technology, most new Australian toilets come rimless as standard now, or at least as an option. Some of the quality brands in the Tradelink catalogue include Caroma, Raymor, Oliveri, Fienza and Johnson Suisse.

Other toilet designs that reduce cleaning efforts

If you’re ready to go out and upgrade to a rimless toilet this instant, take a minute to consider two other designs that will further reduce your cleaning efforts:

  • 1.Back-to-wall toilets

As the name suggests, these toilets sit flush to the wall and hide the inlet and waste pipes.

  • 2.Wall-hung toilets

Also known as wall-faced toilets, these luxe-looking toilets are the ones that don’t have a visible cistern – it’s inside the wall. Instead, there is a simple plate on the wall with the flush buttons. They may also be a floating design, off the floor.

In both cases, the concealed design makes wiping down the toilet and cleaning around it much easier. Plus, less dust build-up.

Now back to the actual advice about the best ways to clean the toilet

If you’re not in a position to upgrade your traditional toilet to the rimless variety just yet, at least you have something to look forward to. In the meantime, this is our genuine advice on the best ways to clean your toilet.

Toilets are typically made from virtuous china or porcelain – both ceramic materials that are very durable and fairly resistant to stains. It shouldn’t take much to get them shiny clean with a little elbow grease and your favourite homemade or supermarket cleaning products.

  • Start with the bowl and let your cleaning product do its job for a while

Use a supermarket multipurpose or toilet-specific cleaner. Spray it all around the bowl to cover the whole surface, including (and especially) under the rim. If you prefer to go chemical-free, sprinkle baking soda around the top of the bowl and pour a cup of white vinegar in.

  • Use your toilet brush to swish it all around with the water and then leave it for at least 15-20 minutes. The longer you leave it the better for fighting bacteria and cutting through stains – even overnight!
  • Wipe down the rest of the toilet while you wait

Spray an all-purpose or antibacterial cleaner around the outside of the toilet including the top, the seat, under the seat and around the back. Wipe it down by starting at the button/s and giving that high-touch area extra attention, then cleaning the outside of the cistern and the outside of the bowl, getting rid of any dust on the surface and in any hidden creases.

Use disposable antibacterial wipes or products on the toilet seat.

It’s okay to use reusable cloths to clean your toilet, so long as they are washed thoroughly with a laundry sanitiser when you’re done.

  • Scrub the inside with a toilet brush

Once enough time has passed, scrub the cleaning products off the inside of the toilet bowl using your toilet brush. Try to scrub inside the rim as much as possible. Flush once or twice to rinse everything away.

  • Clean up under the rim
  • If you need to fight a tougher battle against black build-up under the rim, try soaking some toilet paper in vinegar and loosely packing it up inside the rim. Leave it for about 30 minutes then use your toilet brush and a few flushes to wash it all away.
  • You could also try scrubbing it with a pumice stone, which is harsher than the bristles of the brush but not too harsh for the toilet surface.
  • Fight stubborn stains by emptying the water

If a standard clean is not enough for your toilet, empty the bowl of water and try the above methods again, leaving the cleaning product a little longer. You could even create a thick paste of bi-carb soda and water or vinegar to cover the stains overnight.

To empty the bowl, shut off the water supply to the toilet and hold the flush button down. Don’t forget to turn it on again when you’re finished cleaning.

  • Freshen up the toilet tank
  • Empty the toilet tank using the steps above. Fill it with equal parts water and white vinegar. Leave it overnight or for about 12 hours before scrubbing/wiping everything clean. Turn the water on again.
  • For a fresh touch, add some essential oils like peppermint essential oil, tea tree oil, or lemon oil. They can help fight mould and bacteria as well as smell.
  • Don’t forget to clean the toilet brush!
  • Wipe down the toilet brush holder with your preferred cleaning product or antibacterial wipes. Then, clean the brush by holding it over the bowl and pour boiling water over the bristles to clean and disinfect it before placing it back in the holder.
  • Flush!
  • Flushing provides a helpful final rinse but also gives you that satisfying sense of completion. Now wash your hands and go do something more enjoyable.

You should clean the bowl and the outside of the toilet at least once a week, and the cistern once a month.

Did you know that as well as an extensive catalogue of quality toilets and plumbing supplies, Tradelink also sells toilet accessories and bathroom homewares , including seats, toilet roll holders, stylish toilet brushes, soap dispensers and tumblers?

Visit a showroom or contact us if you’d like to know more. 

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