
Assisted living bathrooms can be just as elegant as any other bathroom. If you’re making small adjustments to an existing bathroom, or designing a whole new bathroom, we can help. Here’s how to create a safe and practical care or assisted living bathroom that is full of style.

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“You need to think about space – leaving lots of free space, making it a safe space. You don’t want large towel rails jutting out into the space and getting in the way. You want enough space for you or your loved one to move around with ease.”

[green-block-author] Kathryn Newbon | Tradelink Mandurah
[green-block-img] Countertop basin accompanied by a bottle soap dispenser, a neatly rolled cloth, and a vibrant plant setting
[first-block-title] Important considerations for care bathrooms

We want to help you get this right. It’s imperative. So, here’s a simple list of considerations for when you’re selecting care products for a bathroom.

  • What are your needs? Are you living independently or receiving assistance?
  • How much space do you need for manoeuvrability?
  • How much bench and storage space do you need?
  • Do you need grab rails and a shower seat?
  • Is this a retrofit project or will you have access to framing behind wall linings?
  • How will you reach things like toilet paper and taps? Are you left-handed or right-handed?
  • Do you need an Easy Height toilet?
  • What are the needs of all other users? Will users’ capabilities change?
  • Don’t forget style. There are many contemporary and stylish options available in care product
  • ranges. Putting safety first doesn’t have to compromise on design
[first-block-image1] Close-up view of stainless steel sink lever mixers and a soap dispenser in a wash basin setting
[first-block-image2] Black Sink Lever Mixer and White Countertop Wash Basin Setting
[first-block-image3] Table Top Ceramic Wash Basin and Soap Dispenser for Bathroom Renovation
[second-block-title] Care product range

We have a growing range of care products for bathrooms. We only work with leading suppliers, so you can have confidence in our products. Most of our care products come from the Caroma range, so you know you’re getting quality and experienced design. Caroma works with researchers and with users to fully understand what people need. Fienza also has an extensive care range, which we’re proud to stock for you, among others.Colours

Wash that stark, institutional look from your mind’s eye. Care products are available in trending colours, including stunning matte black. Share your vision with us and we’ll help you realise it. Conserve can even customise colour any product in their range to match Dulux colours. They also offer modern styles.

[second-block-image] White sink and tap with pink lever on white granite tile
[fourth-block-title] Product variations

Easy Height toilets are a great option because they are higher off the ground, which makes them easier to get on and off. Toilets can have back supports and arm rests, which can be adjustable and/or removable. Arm rests can even have call buttons and toilet roll holders attached.

Extended lever taps are easier to reach and use. Many of our products come with extended lever as an option. We also have tapware with blue and red markings to make it easier to identify. Anti- scalding technology offers improved safety.

Shower rails are ideal for care bathrooms – and they’re also very modern. The flexibility of a shower rail means you can adjust the height of the shower to suit different users, and you can remove the handpiece for easier washing. Grab rails and seats can also improve comfort and safety in the
shower. Showers should have drainage around the edge and no hobs to reduce slipping and tripping hazards.

Grab rails
We know people opt against grab rails because of how they look, but those days are going. Subtle improvements in design have made it possible for grab rails to have a more subtle place in the bathroom. Caroma even has a range where grab rails are combined with towel racks. However, please don’t ever try to use an ordinary towel rack as a grab rail.

Grab rails can be made of stainless steel, aluminium, brass and plastic. Stainless steel offers the best grip and slip resistance. Chrome grab rails may be slippery to use. Rougher coatings may be warmer to touch and offer good grip but may not suit people with sensitive skin.

Grab rail/ Shower combo
If you're looking for a modern look and seamless design, choose a grab rail/ shower combo. It's a very popular option and is available with smooth PVC hose, which is warmer to touch. 

Wall-hung vanities
Select a vanity with drawers rather than doors to allow easier access and reach to products stored within them.

Wall-hung basins
A wall hung basin allows easy access to the basin and tapware for someone in a wheelchair. There are some beautiful wall-hung basins available, and for storage, consider using a tower cabinet.

Grab rail/ Shower combo
If you're looking for a modern look and seamless design, choose a grab rail/ shower combo. It's a very popular option and is available with smooth PVC hose, which is warmer to touch. 

[section_1_heading] More tips to get you going
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Find as many space saving opportunities as you can
You most likely need to accommodate restricted movement, maybe even walker frames or wheelchairs. Create space by installing wall basins and removing bathtubs. Have a walk-in shower enclosure, not one with doors that open in the way. Install a ledge as a stylish built in shower seat.

Tick Icon 


Think about colour contrasting
Creating a little bit of colour contrast could make things easier for people with vision impairment, but don’t go overboard. A black mat on white tiles could look like a hole. In general, white can be disorientating, so opt for softer tones.

Many care range toilets come with coloured seats and have fixings that create lateral stability.

Choose tiles that are similar in colour to your grab rails so they don’t stand out as such a focus point.

 Lightbulb With Checkmark Symbol Icon If you only need a few adjustments
Take lots of measurements so we can help you find the exact product to fit your existing plumbing and layout. For example, measure the distance from the centre of your toilet wastepipe to your wall. Measure how far your basin spout needs to come out from your wall. Make sure you have enough height in the shower for your chosen shower rail. Your plumber can help.
Tick Icon  If you’re designing from scratch
Use different tile colours to create distinct zones in your bathroom. Think about whether you should have lower or higher benches and taps depending on users’ needs. Make the space as open as possible. Keep spare tiles in case you need to move grab rails.
 Lightbulb With Checkmark Symbol Icon Look to the future
Futureproof the bathroom. If the wall linings have been removed, install extra framing/noggs for future grab rail or shower seat installation, or select a hideaway mounting system that allows for easy removal and replacement of grab rails and shower seats when not in use, and install the cap system to hide fixings.


Can it be retrofitted?
Yes, a lot of the time it’s easy to upgrade, and that’s probably all you want to do. Taps, showers and toilets will need to match your existing plumbing. Talk to your plumber. Assisted living toilets may take up a bit more room. Make sure you measure carefully and leave enough room to accommodate restricted movement.

Can I install it myself?
For all plumbing products, we always advise you get a licensed plumber. For things like grab rails, talk to your health professional and builder before attempting it yourself.

Do you sell grab rails?
Yes, we do. Sometimes it’s not as simple as just buying a grab rail and attaching it to the wall. Trained health professionals should advise you on grab rail use and positioning. Your builder should help you install it safely and securely, attached to your wall studs if necessary.

Are there measurements I have to abide by?
There are recommendations. An excellent standard is to have at least 1200mm in front of the toilet. The width of the toilet space should be about 900mm to allow elbow room on either side of the bowl. Corner showers are ideal as they allow for grab rails to be installed. Again, at least 1200mm room in front of the shower entrance is ideal for easier access.

How do I know if it’s stainless steel?
The good old magnet test. If it sticks, it’s stainless steel.

Assisted Living Bathroom Buying Guide

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